Pokémon-e TCG
(635 cards + 34 promotional)
Cards are divided into 7 subsets:
- 151 Aquapolis cards: from #1 to #147 with dot-codes.
- 69 EX Dragon cards: from #13 to #81 with dot-codes.
- 65 EX Ruby & Sapphire cards: from #15 to #79 with dot-codes.
- 9 EX Team Magma vs. Team Aqua cards: #13 and from #39 to #46 with dot-codes.
- 125 Expedition cards: from #33 to #157 with dot-codes.
- 71 Sandstorm cards: from #15 to #85 with dot-codes.
- 144 Skyridge cards: from #1 to #144 with dot-codes.
- 1 card (Marill 068/100) exists in two versions due to a graphic problem.
The rarity level is written on the cards, using a symbol (star, diamond, circle):
starH = Rare Holo
starex = Rare Holo ex
star = Rare
diamond = Uncommon
circle = Common
The data strip at the bottom side can be broken down into three parts: Pokédex data about the Pokémon featured on the card (except Trainers), information about the card in the TCG and information about the content of the left side dot code, if present. Each data strip on the left side contains one of four types of application, either a cartoon, a mini-game, a construction melody block, a construction melody block or a feature to use in the TCG.
Construction Action Melody Block: you can customize a mini-game, where a player has to cover the map area collecting all Pokémon running, flying or swimming. You need to scan a Player Card and up to six different Map Cards.
Construction Melody Block: swiping a card will load the program and the appropriate data. Clefary will appear with a drum. A Sound Block will change the beeps, Music Block changes the tune, Pattern Block changes the pattern that runs in background: Clefary will play the loaded data.