card details
Name: Bagon (Black Star)Set: Pokémon-e TCG - Promo
Rarity: Rare
ID: K-32-#
Serial number: 050/097
Maker: Nintendo
Distributor: Nintendo
Release date: December 2003
Notes: Included in the promotional preferred customers gift pack given to certain stores that organize Pokémon League events. Same card released in the EX Dragon set, except that the Dragon logo is replaced with the Small Promo Star logo.

Images are shown for documentation purposes only.
All brands/names/images/etc are copyrighted by their respective owners.
data strips
This card has a single short data strip.Card content (data strip 2): Pokémon info.
Short data strip (encrypted RAW format): crc32 495dbe70 size 1872
(screenshot not available)